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profile .
A place for my random thoughts and your random comments.
Feel free to drop a comments if you like
enjoy reading, pretty peoples!
tagboard .

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My friendster Amelia
Angela CheeChai Emmerson Jenny JieTing JieYuan Rosie XiangRong KoonAnn YingTing
January 2008February 2008March 2008April 2008May 2008June 2008August 2008September 2008October 2008November 2008December 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008 • 2:22 AM
i hate exam.
i mentioned that a million times.
i gonna say it again.
i am lame and retarded.
what to do?
blame exam.
Thursday, November 13, 2008 • 11:14 PM
I don't know what it is, but i am feeling rather cranky for these past few days. Lacking of sleep may be the reason. Work had been rather packed plus the normal school day routine, i am like a walking zombie. The late night activity doesn't really improve the situation. No complains, it's over.

The MIA period in summary.

I guessed that being 19, it will make someone see the world/people/situation around you more carefully. Anyone agree?
Being 19 now, i feel that there is bound to be maturity growing inside you and kicking sense into you. I started working at the age of 15, stepped into different working industries and i had seen many things. Now enjoying myself in banquet, there is more people for me to observe.
For these past one and a half year, i learned alot of things, met alot of friends and see alot of things that money cannot buy. I appreciate the faith and patience the people around me gave me. From being a hot-tempered noob to a service captain. The feeling of accomplishment was great, but no doubt there is this responsibility that you had to carry or in simple term lead by example.
Yeah, my temper still got the better of me sometimes but there is some problems that people may always think that you are in the wrong. Pointing fingers at each other, stabbing each other in the back is very common in every work industries.
"go with the flow, don' be a stone" This sentence kicked some sense into me. I can see the people whom i can trust and those fucking bastards who are just a piece of rotten shit trying to act like a flower.
Enough of the random talking, i am rather happy at the hotel now, just that the pay needs to be increase. I got to slap DIDI everytime, see her in cheongsum and see her be the 1st ever woman(shemale) in amara to be in charge of the backlane. HAPPY RIGHT DIDI! I will upload your photo (the one wearing a cheongsum) when i transfer the picture to my computer.

its 1:22 and zombie me need to get some sleep.
sweet dreams everyone. good night everyone.
Saturday, October 25, 2008 • 4:33 PM
Holidays' gone and school is back.
so much of a holiday.
never really got to spend it well.
at least it wasn't so boring compare to the previous one.

A week of school had started but i barely went to school.
Skipping lesson for work and e-trial plus a MC on Friday for my pulled muscle.
trust me, i was in so much pain that i couldn't even wear a shirt.
typing this post require pain killers to ease the pain off my both arm.
went nostalgia as i need my mom to help me wear a shirt and wash my hair.
so much of a 19 years old boy behaving like a 3 years old kid.
thinking about the good'ol days where i am still trying to take my first steps in doing almost everything from bathing to eating. HAHA.
enough said, i dont want to be in this situation anymore. truly untolerable.
signing off here. see you all soon.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 • 3:21 AM
One month into the holidays and i haven't been spending much time resting.
Work, work and work and i am quite enjoying it.
Not to mention that i haven't been boozing much. HIAK HIAK.
Amara had been hectic for these past weeks, lots of weddings and seminars.
Another 2 nepalese gone and the current batch of staff is bad.
not so exciting and interesting like the previous batch.

couldn't think of anything to blog at this moment.
its 3:30am FYI.

here's the tag by amelia.

8 unimportant obsessions:
1) musics
2) talk rubbish to people to irritate them
3) oogling at chicks
4) youtube/friendster/facebook/wikipedia/soccernet
5) marlboro ice mint
6) sleeping
7) dig my nose
8) laughing at fat people

8 Things I Want to Do before I Die:
1) be famous and let the whole world know me so they will mourn for me when i die
2) tour the world in 80 days
3) get married and start a family
4) groom my kids to be the next prime minister
5) get a tattoo in david beckham style
6) climb Mt.Everest
7) win a olympic medal for singapore
8) help in the mission to patch up the ozone layer

8 Movies I would watch over and over again:
1) Spiderman 3
2) America pie presents: beta house
3) Kingdoms: Resurrection of the dragon
4) The Warlords
5) Death Note
6) Transformer
7) The day after tomorrow
8) Death Race

Tag 8 people:
Any Tom Dick or Harry.

i am tired. will be back soon
Monday, August 18, 2008 • 3:52 AM
It's 4 in the morning and i couldn't sleep. Quite a long time since i had suffered from insomnia. I had been so busy for the past months that i can barely sleep a wink, and this few days, i had been sleeping like almost 12 hours a days. Well, busy period are still the best.

Exams are coming so a break at Amara. Hope that the September and October period gonna be busy. AKU now is broke and with so much thing in my mind that i want. A new phone and at least some money to start saving up for my bike. Considering looking for a new job beside Amara, maybe some admin job with pay that i get to see at the end of the month so i wont spend it. Best is that i don't need to cut my hair.

Met alot of new friends at the starhub roadshow that i worked in recently. Cool job with easy money. Hopefully, the event company will have a number of roadshows during the holidays so i get to work with them again. The pay is definitely better than Amara so why not.
I want a pack and busy holidays, hopefully with no supp paper.
Hopefully, Amara HR will approve the rise of pay of service captain. i would gladly work at Amara 7 weeks a day with long long hours and cut my hair botak. HAH.

- Congratulation to Team Singapore for getting their first medal since 1960. Although with the help of china people, but the flag raised was still a Singapore flag. One clap out of 3 claps.
- Fuck Newcastle for holding Manchester to a 1-1 draw.
- Happy birthdays to Singapore, Jieyuan, Tay kok Hong, rosie.
- Congratulation to me cause it gonna be schmuggling time for me tomorrow!

Sunday, June 01, 2008 • 1:46 AM
Ass shaken at a quarter to 2 and I’m feelin your ready to
Freak me Freak me
Body’s caught an applause you can hear us in the bathroom cutting up
Freaky Deaky
I got just what we need Hennessy and some weed light the candles up
You inspire me with ecstasy got me feelin so
Freaky Deaky

i couldn't really get any inspiration to start this this post. so many problems swirling inside my mind now which is really Frustrating, with a capital f.
term test and some other personal problem add up to alot of problem.
no longer in year 1, and i hav to face up to reality. 5 papers is a killa.

bas·tard [bas-terd]-–noun
1. a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child.
a vicious, despicable, or thoroughly disliked person

i am not born of unmarried parents and i am not a vicious, despicable or thorougly disliked person (in my opinion). But i am starting to think twice of what i had done recently.
it's hard to break a relationship if someone regard you as her mate while you dont'really think like-wise.
and when someone really think that you are her mate and start holding on to you so tightly that you feel restricted in whatever thing you do.
what will most of you do?

i dont feel anything wrong with me giving that someone a cold shoulder or in a meaner term, ignore her completely. maybe most of you will suppose that ignoring her is very inresponsible or cowardly. i have no comments.
I had been living in myself for 19 years and i seriously know my character thorougly well.
being straight foward does not do any good either.
he/she may think that you are mean or cruel. but the truth may not be pleasing thing to hear. geddit?
ignoring someone or giving someone the cold shoulder naturally show that someone is not interested and you can just jolly well bug off.
maybe that person is too dumb to understand or whatever reason in clinging on, then she seriously need 2 tight slap to wake up.
call me ruthless, cruel, meanie, bastard, coward i dont care. i just trust what i am doing and i know what i am doing. dont go crying to other and ask them to relay messages to me becasue i dont care and i dont want to know.
maybe after all these years of living, i really am a bastard and someone need to slap some sense to me.
but i have been in this kind of situation one too many time and i am real sick of handling it.
everybody have a devil and angel inside them and its up to them to show which side of them on whoever deserve it.
i did realize my mistake in stepping into the wrong path but i idn't know there isn't any exit for me to leave so i have to try any means i could think of to show that i am not intersted. someone need to get hurt and i am sorry its you.

Oh, by the way, i am not calling you a bastard if you are born from unmarried parent or you are a illegetimate child, that's the dictionary definition for your info. sorry if it ofend you in any way.

alright, instead of a post which seem like me venting out my frustration, maybe some thing more intersting.
haven't been really sleeping early for the past few days because of wikipedia. AHA, i can search for all those good for nothing things like kinder surprise, marlboro, nutella, skippy peanut butter, milo. i even searched singapore, singapore football team, mr ong teng cheong, mr goh chok tong, mr lee hsien looong. The best search should be reserve to mr lee kwan yew. i didn't knew that he got a english name call harry! how cool can that be. bet no one ever know bout this.

alright, of to find my darling(my bed),
signing off,
mr meanie, cruel, bastard koon pheng.
OXOX ( XOXO is boring, thus the change)
Thursday, May 22, 2008 • 5:45 PM
I guess i have nothing better to other than blogging.
Didn't go to school today, partly of sore eye, stomach upset and the CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL.
Although the final play a huge role for me not going to school but my stomach is feeling terrible that i got 2 days MC from the doc. KUA KUA KUA.

Its's the fifth weeek already since school start and i am VERY VERY VERY impressed with this semester freshie and my different class. with chicks in school, going to school is a extra motivation. HAHAH!
school starts = less work = more personal time
school starts = less cigarette = more time for soccer, joggin and swimming.
i am not lying when i say i jog and swim. YES, i finally drag my lazy body to the park and jog. healthy lifestyle yo!

I have been stepping into unnecessary trouble again. this time into a piece of huge dung, no matter how hard i shrug it off, it dosen't go. as if this dung had a scribbling on it which say 'for life'. Damn, very very very very troubled and aku need a solution. fast i mean.

Ey shawty, shawty, shawty wadsyaname is,
Wadsyaname is, Wadsyaname is
I said now shawty, shawty, shawty,
whatcha yo sign, Ey whatcha yo sign, Ey whatcha yo sign,
Ey, I said now shawty, shawty, shawty,
where yo man, Ey where yo man, Ey where yo man,
I said now ey shawty, shawty,
Go n do yo dance, Go do yo dance, Go do yo dance
Thursday, April 17, 2008 • 6:55 PM
Not a single salty tear
Not a feeling in my chest
Baby I'm feeling no stress
I'm too fly to be depressed
Ooh, please don't worry bout me I'm fine
Only gonna play the fool one time
Trust me when I say That I'll be ok
Go on girl

Negative feelings aside, i guess there's nothing much to be troubled about.
Luck wasn't on my side i suppose with everythings gone. Lost my psp, mp3 and the phone died on me on a single day. my dear zippo left me the next day. in conclusion, money flew away and left my wallet wounded. damn it. Rest assured, i wont be so thick-skin to ask you people to donate to my recovery fund. i got the ability to make up for my losses.

school's gonna start and i got to say my timetable is pretty good. with two module retaking this sem, i got to work very hard.its sucks when u gonna lack behind a sem. but what to do? seriously i cannot wait for the sem to start and i dont know why, maybe school gna make time pass quickly?

work is a bummer. amara seriously need a change of management. maybe from my point of view, but seriously the management is so obsessed wth cutting costs that banquet part-timer are feeling the sting. now with the service captain and storeman reduced from the roster, it means more competition for bookings and with no weedings until may, everyone is complaining. i just got 2 days of bookings cancel because of cutting cost and i am in desperate need of money.
if by cutting away the storman shift of 10-4 and a labour fee of 33 bucks is satisfying to the so call cutting cost. then the hotel is a miser.

This things prove how screwed up it is now.
-Management can change the potatoes chips from a local brand to pringles and charge $4++ for a CAN of coke ( at least 4 times more expensive than supermarket) and they want to save on $33)
- blame banquet on our poor service because there is no weddings. (bloody hell, no couple want to get married then blame us and who the hell want to get married on qing ming festival)
- we are not allowed to go out with guests even after work ( ah, want to interfere with who we mix and what friend we choose)
- our hair must have army standard (see, they think they are our teacher or parents, neat and short is not enough, army standard)
- smoking is a PRIVILEGE and not an ENTITLEMENT. staff can only smoke during lunch break. ( still got privilege and entitlement siol, those who smoke 10 or 20 years of cigarettes will die)

see, get my point? their thinking is absurb. i know that we may not know what the mangement is going through. overbudget of whatever nonsense they could think of. i think they should stay into the casual labour shoe of working for own allowance an needs instead of enjoying monthly payout which can be enought to feed 3 or 4 people. whatever it is. i have no stand to talk to them because whatever they say is correct. whatever it is, a pretty screwed up hotel. enough said, it wouldn't make any difference.

Now I don't have to climb the highest mountain
And I don't have to sail the seven seas.
Now I don't have to push myself through desert sands
'Cause she's gonna find me here.
And I don't have to put on all my best clothes
And I don't have to put on a show.
Now I don't have to act like a total stranger
'Cause she's gonna find me here.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008 • 1:17 AM
Exam are over and the holidays are HERE!
Supp paper gna be a bummer and i pray that i can manage to pass all the 3 paper.
I dont care is a D or what-so-ever. at least there wont be any supp to spoil my holidays. =D

Been having late nights after exam. unable to recover frm the lack of sleep over the study period yet still work early and party till late. But the best thing of the week is visiting Mustafa centre for the first time in my 19 years. call me sua ku or turtle. I dont have a good impression all along but because its 24 hours so we drop by there since we had nothing to do.
Other than the smell i cannot tahan, the place was not as bad as what i predicted. Chocolates, gold accessories, clothes, food everywhere. so i know what's call a paradise for indians. HAHA.

neeway, got tag by amelia to do this. i think it's damn freaking gay for me to do it.

- Link the person who tagged you
- Post the rules on your blog
- Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog
- Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs
- Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged

I'm tagging: NO ONE. because i am too lazy to tag people and find out his/her url and i think this tagging thing shld stop. HAHA.

& here goes,

1. I punch whatever thing around me whenever i am angry.

2. I am so lazy that i like to piss like a woman. (which means i sit down rather than standing up and piss, and i hate people who piss on the toilet bowl cover in public places.)

3. i never wear any black colour shirt to bed. I have this thinking that mosquitoes like to suck on people who wear black shirt.

4. I love my hair but i hate facial hair and nipple hair.
I dont dare to shave away the hair on my face, which is making me look like a monkey now and i pluck away nipple hair whenever it grows.

5. I wear boxer only when i at home and i never dare to wear boxer out.

6. i am freaking picky about my food. i hate corianders, green pea, onions, pepperoni etc, on my food. i will specially pick out all those food before eating.

7. i have prejudice against girls/woman with curly hair. I laugh out loud whenever i see one. their hair always remind me of maggi mee. The worse thing is that recently amara have a part timer with curly which made me laugh out of control. sorry, girls with curly, u all are FUNNEH.

and i am done with this gay thing. PHEW.
ork at 7am tmr. i better get my ass to the bad now. BYE world.
Monday, February 25, 2008 • 2:14 AM
Oh yeah, its 2.15 nw and my paper is at 9.30.
best thing is i have 2 paper tmr.
about 7 more hours and i still cannot finish my DFund.
done the exam questions but got no answer. pui.
don't even know if i got the answer right.

Tmr gonna past fast with 2 papers and one last mugging session before liberation will be declared. WOHOO.
cant wait for tuesday to come.
gonna get back to my books, the shitface dfund is asking me back. ciao.

what happened?